Trusted Partner in Orange County, California!
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Childbirth in Orange County

Safe Haven's professional staff will take care of all your childbirth arrangements in the United States.

Childbirth in Orange County

The Best of Orange County

The best maternity hospitals and health care


The best maternity hospitals and health care
One of the safest areas in the United States


One of the safest areas in the United States
Excellent climate, great weather all year round


Excellent climate, great weather all year round
Greenest region in the U.S.


Greenest region in the U.S.
The most first-class shopping in all of California


The most first-class shopping in all of California
Great and diverse cuisine


Great and diverse cuisine
Education for Children


Education for Children
The most beautiful beaches


The most beautiful beaches
Opportunities for outdoor activities all year round


Opportunities for outdoor activities all year round

Our offer

Trust our expertise in selecting Hospital, Housing and Professional Doctors. This package is designed for those who need information and initial preparation for childbirth in Orange County, California, without an intermediary.

  Best Solution
Detailed Consultation check_circle
Transfer from the Airport/Hotel check_circle
Contracting with a hospital check_circle
Signing a Contract with a Physician check_circle
Signing a contract with our interpreter and lawyer check_circle
Selection of apartments, houses or townhouses on the car accompanied by an interpreter and a lawyer, assistance in the signing of the contract check_circle
Lunch check_circle
Transfer back to the apartment check_circle
  $2,500 / day

We are always ready to help in organizing childbirth in Orange County.

Safe Haven

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